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Our Air Purification Solutions

Environmental Air Specialties, Inc. is proud of our air purification division. We are committed to providing you with quality air to increase productivity, health and well being in these challenging times.


We have a partnership to sell Surgically Clean Air medical grade air purifiers for business and household use, as well as AtomikAir's industrial line of air cleaning/destratification systems for industrial/manufacturing facilities.



AtomikAir | One system to both destratify and filter the air in your building? Clean air, comfort and energy savings all in one revolutionary product.



The JADE air purification system utilizes SCA's multi-stage air purifying technologies that work together to clean, purify and re-energize the indoor air.



SCA's Cascade Air Purifier is a Medical Grade Air System that is One of the Most Advanced on the Market. · It is designed for large areas needing more airflow. 

Removes 99.998% Of In-Air Particulate

- Including Viruses, Bacteria & Fungus

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